The School Musical 2023/24 - Aladdin Jr.

Musical 2023/24 - Aladdin Jr.

West Point Jr. High will be performing "Aladdin Jr.".

Cast List

The full cast listing will open in a new window.

Rehearsal Information

Here is printable rehearsal information as well as which characters are in what scenes.

Rehearsal Schedule
Printable Rehearsal Schedule
Scene Breakdown
Scene Breakdown

If you will be missing a scheduled rehearsal for any reason (illness, family event, emergency, etc.), you must email Mrs. Hayward BEFORE the rehearsal starts. Please do not call, use email.


Downloadable Forms

Make sure you have all the information for the show.

Permission Slip
Printable Permission Slip
Student Audition Form
Student Audition Form
Volunteer Form
Volunteer Form


We can't wait to see you in the show!!!
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